Family Law

Family law is especially difficult, with personal, close-to-the-heart issues. Because I know that, I work with my clients to arrive at solutions that are beneficial to all, especially the children, in every way possible. If an agreement can't be reached, I will fight for your rights and for the needs of your children.
I serve in all areas of family law, including divorce, custody/ conservatorship, modification, child support (enforcement/contempt, and defense against enforcement/contempt), possession and visitation problems, parental rights, grandparent's rights, jurisdictional issues, paternity, adoption and termination. Give me a call to see if I can help.
Uncontested Divorce:.......starting at $800 plus filing fees
Consultation:..................1 hour consultation---$200
Agreements make cases simpler for everyone and keep costs down. Dividing the property and issues surrounding the children (where they will primarily stay, what will be the visitation schedule, who will make decisions for them, how will they be provided for, etc….) are the primary areas in which you should try to reach an agreement. If there are no agreements, I will advocate for the results that you desire and for the best interests of your children.
The court has jurisdiction to change provisions regarding children; this is essentially the grounds for a modification action, that there is a need to revisit the original orders of the court as to child support, visitation, geographic restrictions or custody/conservatorship. I have represented clients in all areas and types of modification actions over my years of family law work.
The requirement that parents will support their children is well-established in Texas law. I assist my clients in obtaining original orders of support, whether through divorce or a paternity case.
Texas courts maintain the jurisdiction and power to enforce their own orders. To that end, enforcement actions are undertaken. This is typically one of the more contentious and difficult proceedings, but is often necessary to be sure that the children's right and parents are enforced as to child support and visitation. I have prosecuted and defended these actions and further have taken part in many IV-D/Attorney General actions.
I have completed numerous adoptions for individuals, including for step-parents, grandparents, and even non-relations.
Other areas in which I have experience include jurisdictional issues, other state enforcement issues, prenuptial and post nuptial property agreements, grandparent's rights, and paternity matters.